
Leggilo in italiano: “limitazione responsabilità

Updated on date 2020/08/29 by Drew Youngson

The activity of Web manager – Drew Youngson (https://drewyoungson.wordpress.com) below drewyoungson.com is carried out in a non-continuous and aperiodic manner. It does not represent a newspaper and does not to be cosidered an editorial product under Law 62 of 7/3/2001. drewyoungson.com will not be held responsible for what readers post on each post, comments deemed offensive and harmful to third parties or that contain data that does not comply with privacy policies will be deleted.

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The use of the site and the reading of the articles it contains is in no way a substitute for the relationship between patient and doctor.

What is contained in this site has a disclosing function and is not intended to be a guide for self-medication, diagnosis or treatment. General tips and advice are aimed solely at fostering new and better eating habits. and a healthy lifestyle. Pathologies and certain physiological states require the direct intervention of a professional, and the cooperation of the treating physician. It is always appropriate to take the advice of the doctor before undertaking substantial changes in daily habits.

Updated on date 2020/08/29 by Drew Youngson